Members' Show

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Our Members’ Show, showcasing 150+ local & regional artists, opens this Friday, December 15! Join us at the gallery from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. for the Opening Reception of the exhibit; awards will be presented at 7 p.m. and refreshments will be served throughout the evening. Also happening on Friday is the Grand Opening of our new retail space The Store @ ACG, along with the Fort Orange Holiday Market in the Arcade.

Our Members’ Show highlights and recognizes a wide range of talented members, bringing together a dynamic cross-section of artists, diverse in medium and degree of establishment. Members range from students and emerging artists to established and international artists, from painters and photographers to sculptors and mixed media artists. ACG sees this show as an opportunity for exposure, promotion, and appreciation of all who have invested their time and energy in making our gallery what it is today. We hope you’ll join us to show your support for creatives throughout the Capital Region!

Special thank you to exhibit sponsors Robert McNamara & Karen Gagnon, Renaissance Albany Hotel, NYSCA and the Albany Wine & Dine for the Arts Festival for making this exhibit possible!

Exhibiting artists include:

Alex Allendorph
Irena Altmanova Frinta
Bob Anderson
Ronda Anderson
Fern Apfel
Dianne Applin
Katherine Ashby
Tony Avacato
Chris Averill Green
Arlene Baker
Marty Bannan
Lauri Baram
Cyndy Barbone
Tiffany Barkevich
Ilia Benitez
Leslie Berlinsky
Janene Bouck
John Breiner
David Brickman
William Broderick
McCormick Brubaker
Lynne Bunnell
Steven Carberry
David Carter
John Catalfamo
Lorraine B. Chesin
Matt Chinian
Annette Collins
Steve Condon
René Cozens
Sir Saunter
Chris DeMarco
Emily Dorr
Dorothy Englander
Karen Fabiane
Ray Felix
William Fillmore
Jeanne Finley
Anna Fort
Paula Drysdale Frazell
Jay Freud
Daniel Frinta
Connie Frisbee Houde
Karen Gerstenberger
Gary Glinski
George Guarano
Thomas Hansen
Patrick Picou Harrington
Martin Hatcher
Niki Haynes
Michelle Lee
Andrea Hersh
Suzanne Hicks
Dave Higgins
Susan Himmell
Susan Hoffer
Frederick Holman
Natasha Holmes
Katherine Hopkins
Leslie A. Javarone
Michael Joyce
Sylvie Kantorovitz
Caren Kinne
Ashley Kitto
Kathy Klompas
Debra Kowalski
Amanda Kralovic
Katharine Kreisher
R. Ashley Krohmal
Kevin Kuhne
Nettye Lamkay
Lori Lawrence
Peter Leue
Stephanie Levay
Doug Levey
Tina Lincer
Pattie Lipman
Pasquale Littlejohn
Rob Longley
Amy Luke
Liz Lynch aka aRt qUeen
Robert Lynk
Linda MacRitchie-Graf
Jessica Mansmith, MNA
Willie Marlowe
Gary Masline
Laura McCarthy
Mark McCarty
Dan McCormack
Janice Medina
Julie Mereson
René Molineaux
Anthony Montes
Robyn Morgan Giddings
Jamel Mosely
Nedra Newby
Thomasa Dwyer Nielsen
Steven Nover
Edward O’Connel
Daniel O’Sullivan
Dorothea Osborn
Hazal Ozturk
David Painter
Philip Palmieri
Julie Pamkowski
Rita Papandrea
Andrew Pellettieri
Andrew Petruzzelli
Linda Pinkans
Ellie Prakken
Linda Psomas
Hillary Raimo
Frank Rapant
Steve Rein
Jennifer Richard Morrow
Anthony Ruscitto
Jae Schalekamp
Susan Schmader
Cadence Schwartz
Charles Semowich
Laura Shore
Sharon D. Siegel
Willow Silver FKA John Wineland
Colleen Skiff
Darren Skotnes
Christine Snyder
Charles Steckler
Sean Stewart
Susan Stuart
Audrie Sturman
Theresa Swidorski
Grace Tatara
Phil Teumim
Jennifer Tharp
Richard Tomasulo
Yeachin Tsai
Israel Tsvaygenbaum
miChelle Vara
Paula Vatalaro
Elisabeth Vines
Richard Vitkay
Carl Voegtling
Gordana Vukovic
Mary Pat Wager
Takeyce Walter
Harry Walton II
Alex Waters
Jacqueline Watsky
Mary K. Weeks
Anna Wettergreen
Larry White
Jeff Wigman
Brian J. French
Thom Williams
Dale Winsor
Ruth Young