42nd Annual Photography Regional: Select Exhibit
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We are excited to announce the award winners and selected works for the 42nd Annual Photography Region Select exhibit.
Thank you to all the photographers that took the time to submit, with over 200 works on display, from over 80 photographers, juror Karen Davis of Davis Orton Gallery select 43 photographers totaling 49 pieces with 11 works receiving special recognition.
Photographers include: Diahann Addison, Ellen Adler, Ronda Anderson, Marty Bannan, Owen Barensfeld, Jill Baucom, Brianna Becker, David Brickman, Laura Brodsky, McCormick Brubaker, David Bruce, Bob Buck, Robert Cooper, Henny deKnegt, Jennifer Duke Anstey, Steven Fink, Jeanne Finley, Connie Frisbee Houde, Patricia Garrett, George Guarino, Rosie Heinegg, Natasha Holmes, Stephen Honicki, Jesse Meenaghan, Amanda Miller, Becky Miller, Chuck Miller, Susan Myers, Will Nixon, Julie Pamkowski, Frank Rapant, Carol Remington, Tom Santelli, Ed Schwartz, Margo Singer, J. Matthew Smith, Scott Stoner, Theresa Swidorski, Adrienne Szamotula, Alexandra Tamburro, Maryam Vala, Jennifer Wilkerson, Jackie Zysk.
Click here to view a 360° tour of the exhibit.
Honorable Mention and Juror's Select works listed below or click here to view:
Juror's Select Awards:
"Blackberries" - Jill Baucom, Photograph, Archival
"fatherhood 2" - Laura Brodsky, Digital Photography
"The Cleansing (from the series The Book of James)" - Stephen Honicki, Archival Pigment Print
"Allium" - Jennifer Wilkerson, Cyanotype in mixed
Honorable Mentions:
"After the Rain" - Chuck Miller, Digital Photography
"Five Tickets to Ride Day and Night" - Chuck Miller, Film Photography
"Dormiveglia" - Tom Santelli, Archival Inkjet Print Form
"Fork, Bushwick" - Jennifer Duke Anstey, IPhone Photography
"Robert Oppenheimer" - Owen Barensfeld, Archival Inkjet Print
"Respect to The Golden Era" - Robert Cooper, Inkjet Photo
"Rebuild" - Alexandra Tamburro, Photography
42nd Annual Photography Regional Juror Select Show opens Friday, September 18, 2020 until Friday, October 2, 2020.
There will be no opening reception instead; the gallery presents the award announcements as a pre-recorded video below.
Hours: Tuesday - Saturday, Noon - 5 p.m.
A message from the juror:
"Thank you (ACG) for the opportunity to jury the 42nd Annual Photography Regional at the Albany Center Gallery. I am honored to have been invited. Having a gallery in Hudson where we exhibit photography and mixed media—often from regional artists—this show not only reinforced my sense of the artistry and talent in our area, but expanded it, introducing me to several amazing photo-based artists I had yet to encounter.
You (ACG) managed to use the “salon” approach to hang a daunting number of pieces in a very thoughtful way, allowing the public to examine and appreciate each piece in isolation and in context.
Before describing my process, l will state the obvious. An “open” competition such as this, where the range of processes and approaches is so diverse, may predispose a juror toward certain favored themes/genres and methods of image making, quite distinct from the selections of another juror. Personal aesthetics cannot be avoided.
I walked through the exhibit several times, looking at, evaluating, and appreciating the entries. One cannot view these images without recognizing the unsettling times we’re in and sensing the artists’ emotional responses to them. I noticed, with pleasure, a broad range of approaches, including the current trends of experimenting with alternative processes, constructed images and staging scenes, as well as unusual and compelling works in portraiture, still life and landscape.
Then I went to work. Armed with yellow sticky notes, I proceeded to identify works I’d want to see in the Juror Select Show. After making these selections, I walked about again and added a handful more that were slower to settle into my consciousness.
The next step was more challenging: to identify those works to be singled out for additional recognition. Here I selected works that for a range of reasons – creativity, humanism, composition, technique, my emotional response – remained in my mind’s eye. Having the opportunity to select recipients for cash awards, I am grateful to the gallery for allowing me to make those determinations without the traditional hierarchy of first, second, third, etc.
Given the necessary time restriction for exhibition of the Juror Select Show, I will be arranging with Albany Center Gallery for our Davis Orton Gallery website to link to its “gallery view” online exhibit and also recognize those pieces designated as award and honorable mention winners.
Once again, thank you (ACG) for the honor of jurying this show." Karen Davis, of Davis Orton Gallery
The exhibit is sponsored by ACG Premier Sponsors Howard Hanna & David Phaff, as well as Kevin & Cindi Dubner, ParkAlbany, the New York State Council on the Arts, and the Albany Wine & Dine for the Arts Festival.
Learn more about the Salon Exhibit.