Summer Youth Employment Program
Tags: Gallery News

Our annual youth art program transformed into the Summer Youth Employment Program with the City of Albany! Thanks to the City of Albany for working with us, as well as the Tony Clement Center for Education and Arbor Hill Development Corp. The 7 youth participants actually get PAID for their time and creations! Huge thanks to Bank of America for their support to ensure these youth are able to have summer art programming and create uplifting artwork for their communities.
The youth have workshops by local artist mentors, visit public art, and work closely with each other, and Lead Artist Mentor Eugene O'Neill and ACG Staff. By the end of the program, each participant will have created their very own 4’x8’ moveable mural that will be put in public. More Art Everywhere.
Thanks to our presenting sponsor Bank of America, additional support from CDPHP, along with M&T Charitable Foundation, Stewart’s Holiday Match, Honest Weight Food Co-op , as well as Carlsbury Gonzalez, Georgiana Panton, I. David Swawite/ Omni Development Co., Joann Ryan, John & Patty Paduano, Kevin & Cindi Dubner, Lisa F. Brown, Renaissance Albany Hotel, Rosemarie V. Rosen, Stantec, and Theresa Swidorski.
Partners: Albany Center Gallery, The Arbor Hill Development Corporation, City of Albany, and Tony Clement Center for Education
For more photos from the program click here.