Makers • 365 Capital Region Creatives

Tags: Gallery News

From June 20 to July 21, 2017, Albany Center Gallery will present MAKERS • 365 Capital Region creatives / social photographs of Richard Lovrich. An opening reception will be held at Albany Center Gallery, date to be announced, and the public is invited to attend. MAKERS will be a traveling exhibition that visits all 8 counties of the Capital Region, and is the first exhibit of its kind to do so.

The gallery visitor will meet 365 humans, vulnerable, guarded, cheerful or wistful; this is their portrait gallery. A gallery of humans that contribute, each in their own way, to the creative space around them. This show begs the question: 365 portraits of individual creatives, or one portrait, made of 365 segments, of the photographer? That is for the viewer to decide. Lovrich is inclined to see both and to become, as the project’s creator, subject #366. No more or less important, in creative terms, than any of his subjects, he invite everyone into his, and the subject’s, intimate space.

The goal of MAKERS, a social experiment as much as a work of art, was a simple, if somewhat quixotic one. Photograph portraits of 365 creatives, whether residing in, or passing through, the Capital Region of New York, and post one each day on social media. From that virtual, Phase One digital series, a Phase Two brick and mortar gallery show would be crafted, with the guidance of skilled gallerist and creative partner Tony Iadicicco, to be shown in the newly restored Albany Center Gallery.

To the question, Why capture portraits of creatives? Lovrich would answer with another: What makes us human and why are we the dominant species on earth? Are we faster, stronger, more caring, more virile, more aggressive than our cousins the chimpanzees?  No, of course not, but we have adapted, we have the ability to use language, we have invented systems, in short, we are creative. Creativity is humanity or at least the key to achieving it.

Interested in being a sponsor for this show? Contact Tony Iadicicco at or visit