ACG & United Way Summer Meals Collaborative Program
Tags: Gallery News

ACG is excited to announce our Partnership with the United Way Summer Meals Collaborative Program!
Beginning July 5 and going until August 24, Artist Mentors will be at the Creighton Storey location of the United Way Summer Meals Program in Albany every week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays!
Artists will work with youth on creating a large mural, spending a week on each letter that will eventually spell out "DREAM BIG" that will be displayed at Creighton Storey once complete. The artists will also work with the youth to paint and draw on small tiles, donated by Hudson Valley Tile, to be able to have small works of art to take home with them at the end of the program!
There will be several Artist Mentors week to week, to bring new experiences, processes, and ways of making art for the kids to work alongside with! From painting and screen printing to music mixing, or African drumming and spray painting; the youth will be able to make so much art and learn so many things!
There will be tons of bright colors and ideas that will be created this summer, and we are thankful to be a part of this program and help provide More Art Everywhere, for everyone! A special thank you to all of the kids for their creativity and painting skills to come. Summer Meals Program run by the Albany Housing Authority. Supported by the United Way at Creighton Storey Homes at 158 Third Ave in Albany.
Artist Mentors:
Week 1 and 2: Sean Mclaughlin (painting and spray painting) and DJ HollyW8D (music making and mixing)
Week 3: Isabella Lotano (painting)
Week 4 and 5: 5ifth Place / Drew (screen printing) and DJ HollyW8D (music making and mixing)
Week 6: Jordan Taylor Hill (traditional drumming and dance from the African Diaspora that included movement and music, spoken word, and storytelling)
Week 7: Isabella Lotano (painting)
Week 8: ACG Staff Emily (painting and drawing)
*anyone under the age of 18 can come on by for free breakfast from 9 - 10:30 a.m. and lunch from Noon - 1:15 p.m.* (and all the while draw or paint with us!!)