2024 Youth Mural Project at Hope 7 Community Center with Kayla Jolin

Tags: Gallery News

Check it out: Youth Mural Project with Hope 7 Community Center!

This is a collaborative initiative between Hope 7 Community Center, Albany Center Gallery (ACG), and artist Kayla Jolin 🎨🌟


See progress and completed mural photos by clicking the link here!


Artist Mentor Kayla led workshop days with the youth in the after-school program at Hope 7 to talk about and envision what was important to them and what they would want to see in their space. The youth sketched and collaborated on their collective ideas to think about what the mural could look like! With the students’ inspiration and imagery, Kayla was able to create a few designs that the youth & community members voted on. Kayla and students worked together on site to complete this vibrant mural to highlight what Hope 7 means to them. Check out both the mural and progress pictures to see how this awesome mural came together!


A special thank you to Artist Kayla Jolin, Hope 7 students, Executive Director Maggie Hall, & Hope 7 staff for their time, creativity, and support. ☀️



Above: Mural by Kayla Jolin and students