2023 Tony Clement Center for Education Moveable Mural with Raè Frasier
Tags: Gallery News

Check it out: Moveable Mural at Tony Clement Center for Education!
This is a collaborative initiative between Albany Center Gallery (ACG), artist Raè Frasier, and Tony Clement Center for Education (TCCE)
See progress and completed mural photos by clicking the link here!
This project involved after school sessions in which students were able to discuss about community and creatively express their emotions under the guidance of artist Raè. Based on these dialogues, Raè created a design for a space within the Tony Clement Center for Education and both the artist and students worked together to complete the moveable mural to highlight inclusivity and diversity within the school environment.
🗣Words from the artist Raè: “[The students] wanted to create an image of their mascot because they said there wasn’t a representation of it in their school. They also wanted to create a piece that was a representation of perseverance and triumph. The rose shedding petals that turned into butterflies was their interpretation of ‘pushing through’ and promoting successful finishes despite how the start of the journey was/is. They also wanted to create an abstract piece that allowed them to express themselves in a more free and liberating way. Ah man … it was all so beautiful.”
Special thanks to Artist Raè Frasier, TCCE students, Community School Site Coordinator Monica Santiago, and TCCE staff for their time and support with additional support provided by The RED Bookshelf Albany
Above: Artist Raè Frasier with students of Tony Clement Center for Education
Above: Students of Tony Clement Center for Education contributing to the mural
Above: Students of Tony Clement Center for Education contributing to the mural
Above: Mural by Raè Frasier and students.