2024 Les Urbach Lifetime Achievement Award: Tammis K. Groft
Born in Simsbury, Connecticut, Tammis K. Groft has a B.A. degree in Anthropology, and a M.A. degree in American Folk Culture. She began her museum career in 1976 as a New York State Council on the Arts intern with the Albany Institute and retired as its Executive Director in June of 2022. Since then, she has been an active member of many Boards of Directors, including Albany Center Gallery, Discover Albany, WMHT, Albert B. Roberts Foundation of the Arts, and Women@Work Innovators.
Groft joined Albany Center Gallery’s Board of Directors in 2022 after a longtime association with ACG (beginning with its founder, Les Urbach, in 1978). In 2016, Groft served as the Honorary Chair of Albany Center Gallery’s Gala honoring ACG’s historic 40th Anniversary celebration. In 2021, she worked closely to make the Mohawk Hudson Regional Exhibition during the pandemic while partnering with ACG, Albany International Airport Gallery and Opalka Gallery to present the annual Mohawk Hudson Regional Exhibition at three venues. She has served as a mentor for Tony since his beginnings at ACG.
Since joining the board, she has served on the exhibition, facilities, and nominating committees, as well as advises on many large picture organizational items. During her 40+ year career as an arts leader in the region at the Albany Institute of History & Art, she curated over 70 exhibitions, lectured on American Art and History, authored numerous books and articles, and taught in the Public History Graduate Program at the University of Albany. In the spirit of Albany Center Gallery founder, Les Urbach, who provided a space and opportunities for artists to gain recognition and respect, we are honored to recognize Tammis K. Groft for a lifetime of significant contributions to the region's artists and creative economy.
From Tammis K. Groft: “I am thrilled and honored to receive the Les Urbach Lifetime Achievement Award. Les would be so proud to see Albany Center Gallery today, especially under the 13 year visionary leadership of Executive Director Tony Iadicicco whose motto, “More Art Everywhere,” is realized through inspiring exhibitions, innovative community partnerships and public art projects, and exciting youth art programs and workshops. Special thanks to our community, board and staff for supporting Albany Center Gallery and Les Urbach’s dream.”