Celebrate More Art Everywhere with ACG
Tags: Gallery News

Can we count on your continued support for local artists and the creative community?
Yes? Donate here now. Any amount is greatly appreciated.
70% of ACG's Annual Appeal donors contribute $100 or less.
It all makes a difference.
We want to live in a region that is vibrant with art and artists, and with your contributions, we can bring more art everywhere, together. Please consider joining and supporting our mission; no donation is too small or too large.
ACG has seen firsthand how artists can inspire and create change - we hope you have too! From murals, youth art mentors, exhibiting artists and MORE - the artists in the community make all the difference. But with your support, so much more can be done.
YOUR DONATIONS MATCHED! Thanks to ACG's Board of Directors, your donation is now doubled up to $7,500!
This past year ACG hosted 7 in-house exhibitions, 11 Youth A.W.S. workshops, 4 pop-up exhibits, 346 artists exhibited, 1 #CapitalWalls mural, 26 moveable murals, 15 murals added to communities, and 20+ local businesses and community partners. We also partnered with a few local high schools and middle schools to create murals after workshops with the students. Together in 2024, we paid $90,000+ directly and another $8,500 in connected opportunities to artists in the community.
The need is greater than ever for accessible arts programming. We could use your help. Let’s start the new year off with more opportunities for local and regional artists, as well as creative community celebrations.
Ensure the continuation of building a region that is shaped and enhanced by artists who reflect and influence the evolving, inclusive, and multifaceted culture of the Greater Mohawk-Hudson Region. Thank you for your support of Albany Center Gallery in the past, present, and future.
As of 1/23/2025
And thank you for your consideration and Happy Holidays!
You can also donate by mailing a check made to "Albany Center Gallery" to 488 Broadway, Suite 107, Albany NY 12207.
This appeal is running until January 31, 2025, so be sure to donate by then to be a part of this campaign.