Temporarily Closed through April 30
Tags: Gallery News

UPDATE (3/27/2020): Given the current trend of COVID-19, Albany Center Gallery has extended its temporary closure through April 30. However, ACG still plans to host the Mohawk-Hudson Regional Invitational 2020 virtually from March 31 to May 1, 2020. We are working on creative ways for you to experience the art digitally. This exhibition features the work of regional artists Cyndy Barbone, Jane Feldblum, Joy Muller-McCoola, Barbara Todd, and Victoria van der Laan.
Visit the Mohawk-Hudson Regional Invitational event page to learn more about the artists, and stay tuned to social media for updates.
View our 360 Tour of the MHRI2020
If you need to get in contact with the staff, we will be working remotely. You can email Karina at kwojnar@albanycentergaller